surface horizon meaning in Chinese
- Significant seasonal changes of microbial numbers were observed in surface horizon
Cm深土壤细菌生物量有明显的季节性变化,从 - Denitrification and nitrogen fixation in 10 cm 20 cm horizon are higher than those in other soil horizons , in which the partial pressure of oxygen is lower than that in surface horizon , and the number of microorganisms is more than that in below horizon
高寒草甸土壤中未发现有好气性自生固氮菌,但嫌气性自生固氮菌的数量众多。在高寒草甸严酷的自然条件下,嫌气性自生固氮菌为大气氮素固定的主要承担者。 - 2 . the diagnostic surface horizons divided on the soils of the area are mollic epipedon , umbric epipedon and ochric epipedon . the diagnostic subsurface horizons are cambic horizon , argic horizon , histic evidence and mattic evidence . the diagnostic characteristics are sapric soil materials , folic soil materials , soil moisture regimes , soil temperature regimes , ferric property and base saturation